“I sought acupuncture for two painful conditions that Western medicine had failed to ameliorate.
The first was fairly intense and constant foot pain following surgery four years earlier. When the pain from soft tissue damage did not abate, the highly renowned orthopedic surgeon at one of the nation’s leading orthopedic medical centers advised me to “learn to live with it.” Over the past year, acupuncture has made the pain infrequent (maybe once or twice a week) and moderate (maybe at most a two on a ten point scale, down from seven or eight). Julie Bear Don’t Walk was persistent and inventive, using Japanese as well as Chinese acupuncture techniques and two different herbal heat treatments to achieve this result.
The other condition was irritation in cracks at the corners of the mouth. The dermatologist at another leading medical center prescribed a pharmaceutical, correctly predicted it would at best ameliorate the problem (it didn’t even do that), and recommended that I have a plastic surgeon fill the cracks. That turned out to be a costly solution that would have to be repeated every six to nine months. Acupuncture and a Chinese herbal ointment proved more effective and affordable. When either condition flares up, an acupuncture treatment helps.
Julie also proactively addressed wellness issues like acid reflux and fatigue with good results. She’s very pleasant to visit and I find the treatments relaxing and enjoyable.”
— B.M., male, 69 years old