Conditions Treated with Acupuncture
With acupuncture, you can feel better.
Acupuncture and Integrative Health excel at bringing the body into balance. When there is balance on the inside, balance radiates out into our lives.
Acupuncture and Integrative Health can help alleviate, and often eliminate, symptoms and pain associated with the following conditions:
Back pain, disc problems, SI joint pain, neck pain, headaches and migraines, joint pain, arthritis, neuropathy, carpal tunnel, sciatica, shoulder and neck tension pain, cramps, plantar fascitis, shin splints, tendonitis, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, heel pain.
Diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, bloating, reflux, poor digestion, nausea, low or excessive appetite, stomach pain, ulcers, hernia, irritable bowel syndrome / disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, slow digestion, high blood sugars, metabolic syndrome.
hormonal +
reproductive health
Hot flashes, irregular cycles, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, painful periods, PMS, infertility, low ovarian reserve, high FSH, postpartum syndrome, prostate issues, urinary difficulty / frequency, incontinence, low libido, uterine prolapse, erectile dysfunction.
Allergies, asthma, chronic cough, frequent sinus infection, breathlessness, lack of energy, shallow breathing, anxiety, palpitations.
mental + emotional
Stress, anxiety, depression, lack of focus, foggy-headed-ness, poor memory, difficulty making decisions, creative block, lack of motivation and drive, difficulty finishing projects, ADHD.
Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, chronic fatigue, weight gain or loss, endocrine disorders, feeling cold, neuropathy, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, side effects of diseases and their treatment, such as cancer, MS, stroke, Lyme Disease, Epstein Barr.
Insomnia, easy waking, nightmares, sleep apnea, snoring, difficulty falling asleep.
Acne, eczema, psoriasis, shingles, cysts, rashes, dry skin, hives, and wrinkles (Cosmetic Acupuncture).
Aging well and with vitality, neuropathy, balance, fatigue and lack of energy, memory loss, vision problems, loss of smell or taste, pain, frequent urination, high blood pressure, restless leg, medication-induced side effects, erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate, hemorrhoids, prolapse, depression.
ADULT health
Digestive issues, constipation, teething pain, irritability, ADHD, learning challenges, nightmares, bed wetting, food issues, frequent colds, earaches, injury recovery (breaks, sprains), mental health.